Bodenstab Oliver

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since Mar 03, 2005
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Recent posts by Bodenstab Oliver


I also use a cache database.
In your approach you should think of crashing, so it is better to change the values in the database file if you change the cache db. So both action must be in the same transaction. With transaction, I mean you must implement a good looking aproach.

Thank you all,

my comment is a little bit late, because I was out of order.

I solve the proble by the following code

The main think was the getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT).
This statement works on all widgets. Because my Dialog has no menu bar,
but the F1 key should work on all widgets, I need this functionalaty.

Thanks again.


I have a dialog for the connection properties. My problem is, that I want to support the F1 Key. Do I have to implement to all components an actionMap

or there a better way

Thanks for replies

i have a client GUI for booking with the following code

If I press the Strg + X Button in the GUI, outside the JTable and the JTextField, I get to the ActionListener. This works for example in JComboBox widgets.
But if i do this in the JTable or the JTextField nothing happens

Can anybody tell me why?

This statement solve the problem


i solved this problem by using an addHyperlinkListener.

But, the next problem with Help Dialog appears

If the code was startet from a method of a class which extends JDialog and not JFrame, the dialog only reacts on key strokes and not on the mouse

Can anybody tell me how i can solve this problem???

i display a help dialog with the following code

The userguide.html is displayes in the dialog.
But the problem is, i have references in the html file like

and if i click on them the cursor doesn't go the reference
Doesn't support java this functionality???

Please help.


the gif files are used in my dialogs for the toolbar, not for javadoc!

Please let me know, whether they have to be in the code directory or not


i know we have to write javadoc comments for all public classes and methods. So i did this. I also write javadoc comments for all other classes and methods.

When i create the javadoc files i see only public classes, i was confused
Why can't i see the other classes, for example default classes. I only have a few public classes, only the classes which must be accessable from outside of the package are defined public, the others are defined default/package-wise. For example, the data class is defined default with public methods. I can't even see this class

Please give me some help or advice.


my question is:

What has to be in the code directory?
Of course, there must be all .java files. But should there also be the package.html and the .gif files?

Please help

Hello Samuel,

i decide to add the docs folder with userguide.html file because of the instructions by SUN

A directory called docs, containing the following items at the top level:
This html file.
A subdirectory called javadoc, containing HTML/Javadoc documentation for all classes and interfaces you are submitting.
A file called choices.txt that containing pure ASCII (not a word processor format) text describing the significant design choices you made. Detail the problems you perceived, the issues surrounding them, your value judgments, and the decisions that you made. This document should also describe any uncertainties you had regarding the project, and the decisions you made when resolving them.
User documentation for the database server and the gui client. If your user documentation is online then you may omit this file. However, if the documentation is not online, you must provide either a single plain ASCII (not word processor format) text document, which must be called userguide.txt, or multiple HTML files which must all be accessible from a starting point document that must be called userguide.html.

What do you think???
Has the userguide file be in a directory called docs for the runme.jar??
Maybe this is the solution:

It works in the runme.jar file.

What do you think?
