arunij katiliyar

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since Mar 09, 2005
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Recent posts by arunij katiliyar

Hi ,
The best ide amongst the ones that i have worked with is intellij idea . Howeever if you are working with websphere theres no better IDE than WSAD . If you dont want to buy any IDE then eclipse would suit you

Hi ,
I am planning to write weblogic certified developer . Please suggest relevant books/articles/websites/courses for the preparation.

19 years ago
Hi ,
I came across the following question in one of the mock exams.

<ejb-link> is provided by whom ?
a.Bean provider
b.Application Assembler
c.Deployer .

I think the valid options are a and b but the the correct answer is a,b,c . Why should deployer specify ejb-link .

Hi ,

I am sending the date format as follows

String tempDate="2000-02-08";

PreparedStatement pstmt = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT QUERY");


The problem is for only the dates that has 2000 in its year .

One more fact ,

when i issue a select SQL from db2 client for the column it displays in

the format


Hi ,

I am encountering the following error when inserting 2000 as the value for the year in a date field in DB2 8.1 . [IBM][CLI Driver] CLI0113E SQLSTATE 22007: An invalid datetime format was detected; that is, an invalid string representation or value was specified. SQLSTATE=22007

May i know why is this happening

hi Masoud ,
Thanks for the reply . I am not using jcc driver so i dont need the license jar .

Hi ,
I am running a simple jdbc program and encountered this problem .

java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(

The DB2 driver is in the classpath . The exception is thrown when trying to get the connection . I know that the driver is not able to load the native libraries . I have all the native libraries in c:\programfiles\SQLLIB\bin .I still wonder whats causing the problem . The following is the code snippet.


System.out.println("class loaded !!!");

Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc b2://dbahost:50000/citidata,user=javaprod,password=produser");
System.out.println("connected ");

plus ejb spec (verrrrrrry important)


Try to do this way

AdviceHome ac = (AdviceHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(ic.lookup("TEST"),AdviceHome.class);

Lemme know if this worked fine .

parthiban ,
If MDBS have tranx attribute of "Supports" where do u think the callers transactional context will be delegated as the mdbs get triggered by the arrival of a message on its waiting queue and hence the attribute is no meaningful .

Definition of 'Never':
If an invoked method has no transaction context, run the method in an unspecified transaction contxet. If the method has an existing transaction, throw RemoteException/EJBexception to the remote/local client.

As you might know, MDBs have no clients. Who will handle the RemoteException/EJBException if thrown by the container?

MDBS are triggered by the arrival of the message on the respective destinations so the onMessage block will always be triggered in isolation so the if part never arises in MDB's run time . The onMessage block can run with no transaction.

The conclusion is that it doesnt make sense for MDBs to have rather than your statement because your statement leaves a room of possibility .

" Who will handle the RemoteException/EJBException if thrown by the container?"

Hi ,
Why cant a MDB have a transaction attribute as "Never" ?.

This is how it goes . We cannot achieve instance level declarative security .We can only achieve declarative security for a bean and not for bean instances .

If you want to achieve such instance level security it can only be achieved programmatically which implies that depending upon your need you can set different security setting for bean instantiating the same class using programmatic authorization . Hope this helped u .
The doubt is why is there an emphasis in option 2. I had never declared a zero args constructor for an ejb . I think option 2 should be rephrased.

The class "must" define a public constructor that takes no arguments
Identify all correct requirements for a CMP entity bean class? [Check all correct answers]

1 The class must be defined as public.
2 The class must define a public constructor that takes no arguments.
3 The class must not be defined as abstract.
4 The class must define the finalize() method.
5 The class must implement, directly or indirectly, the javax.ejb.EntityBean interface.

The correct answers are 1 2 and 5 .

why should 2 be correct? . In the enterprise bean we dont declare a zero args public constructor explictly .
