pratap maha

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since Mar 09, 2005
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Recent posts by pratap maha

Hi -
I have two combo box's and I would like to populate the entries in the second combo box according to the value selected in the first combo box. I want to achieve this using Jsp. Can some one pls. help me how I can send the value selected in the first combo box (List/menu) to a jsp page and populate back the results. I would like to see some code snippets. Thanks,

19 years ago
Hi -
I need to find the status of a process runing on a non-local AIX machine. How could I achieve it?. Should I use a unix script to find the status and use Runtime.execution.exec() method ?.. Thx,

19 years ago
Hi -

Sorry for not being clear. I am looking for some other technologies than JApplet with the only resource avaliable HTTP Server to render a rich GUI on client side. Thx,

19 years ago
Hi -
I am in a dilema if I have to use a JApplet to build a rich GUI on the clinet side. I am only having Apahe HTTP Server on a AIX box. Do I have any other options ?. Thanks,

19 years ago