tue march

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since Mar 09, 2005
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can anybody explain how to increase the heap size and where should be it done and what command to use.

Good guy
19 years ago
Hi ppl,

we know that scriptlets and expressions go inside a _jspservice(), and declarations go outside of _jspservice() when a jsp is converted a servlet.

But in one sample programs which i typed and executed, it is showing all the three scriptlets, expressions and declarations all going inside _jspservice().

so can anybody explain which is true either declaration goes inside or not.

i am totally confused.

good guy
19 years ago

You are making little mistake in typing a url.it should look like the following

http://localhost:8080/application name/abc.jsp

remember to keep the .jsp file in application folder, that is the folder which contains your web-inf file.

you need to include any information of jsp in a web.xml file.

if any doubt revert back to me.

Good Guy
19 years ago
Hi ppl,

we know that scriptlets and expressions go inside a _jspservice(), and declarations go outside of _jspservice() when a jsp is converted a servlet.

But in one sample programs which i typed and executed, it is showing all the three scriptlets, expressions and declarations all going inside _jspservice().

so can anybody explain which is true either declaration goes inside or not.

i am totally confused.

good guy
19 years ago
Hello ppl,

I know that Strings are fixed length, immutable right.

consider the following example and explain how it achieves it.

there is string called

String s = "hello"; ok

when u apply toUpperCase() to the above string it gets changed to "HELLO".

THEN how are you saying it is not mutable. explain please.

good guy
19 years ago
Hey guys,

what is the bit depth of a boolean.

Good guy
19 years ago
Hi ppl,

I want to know whether www.junit.org is a commercial site or domestic site or someothersites.

If it is commercial or domestic or someother site, please provide valid reasons.

Thanks in advance,
Good Guy
19 years ago

can anybody tell how to install junit on unix box.

i know that classpath should be set.

but how to unzip the zip file on unix box, i am not able do that, i dont

have unzip on my unix box.

please kindly provide some suggestions.

Thanks in advance,
19 years ago
Hi guys,

public class Flip{
public static void main(String argv[]){

can anybody explain why the output of this program is -5.

Thanks in advance
Good guy
19 years ago

i think u have round()in java.lang.math class to solve it.

Good guy
19 years ago
Hi friends,

I have one doubt.

Can one object access other objects private variables.If so can
anybody explain.

i know that each object has its own private variables but how can other object access private variables of other object.

Remember both objects belong to same class.

Good guy
19 years ago
hi sirish,

Basically locking an object comes during synchronization areas.

synchronization means only one can access anything.

For example, say myself and u have the same debit card ie having same number on credit card ( we have two copies of credit card with same number).

Suppose i insert card into ATM, at that particular point of time, u are not allowed to access the database (i,e you cant touch data unless one card has finished its transcation) means when one transaction is accessing data, ( indirectly object is locked), u cant allow other transaction to access data.

Have a nice day.
Good Guy
19 years ago
Hi priya,

the program what u have given is working fine except it says deprecated problems. since you are using readLine method which is a deprecated one
i dont find any other problems.

one important thing priya, i the program i dont see where you are checking the number entered, i know you are using assert to check if somebody enters negative number. but where is the assertion statement in program. plz do check once again and revert back to me. ok .

Have a nice day,
Good Guy
19 years ago
Hi sunetra,

I totally disagree with raj.

Remember everything in java is pass by value.

1. For primitives like int, short, double it is pass by value.

eg: int a=5;
somemethod(a); // here you are passing a copy of a's value to somemethod.

2. Even for object references, it pass by value.
eg: A a = new A(); // object a is created.
somemethod(a); // here you are passing a copy of referece to somemethod.

Raj plz understand java is only pass by value, and there is no point of pass by reference.

Good guy.

[ EJFH: Removed invitation to take discussion off line ]
[ April 19, 2005: Message edited by: Ernest Friedman-Hill ]
19 years ago