matt eggbeers

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since Mar 11, 2005
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Recent posts by matt eggbeers

Thanks for the response, what about when using the Text Object in SWT? Is there a way to do it then? The Text object does not have read or write methods.

17 years ago
You could use either a JFrame or a JInternalFrame.
17 years ago

I was wondering if there was a way to 'connect' a Input and output stream to a jtextarea? What I am really trying to do is have a JTextArea behave like the standard in and standard out. Is this possible? If so how?

What kind of Input/Output Stream classes should I use? Know of any tutorials / examples of doing something like this?

17 years ago
First, thanks for the reply. However, I am not sure that you understood my question 100%. The way the you describe, works fine if the lib or resource directory is somewhere OUTSIDE the jar that I am trying to run. What I want to be able to do is package all the needed jars INSIDE one jar file and have the classpath reference the jars inside when trying to execute. I would like to be able to distribute one jar file and one start script and thats it. Is this possible, and if so how?

17 years ago
Sorry, it looks like my dir structure diagram got messed up while posting.

Anyway, I have a dir, test, and in that dir i have a start.bat file, MyJarFile.jar, and a lib dir. In the lib dir are all the third part jars I am using.

17 years ago
Hey All,
I have a simple soap client written using xfire. It has several jars that it references to other jars. I can run it fine when the directory structure is like this

+- start.bat
+- MyJarFile.jar
+- lib
+- All the referenced jar files

and i use the batch job to add all the jars in /lib to the classpath and it starts great.

My question is, can you add all the third party jars inside the jar file and have tell the manifest file that they are in there? I know you can do it with the jars outside your jar, but what is the syntax of the Class-Path: header in the manifest if the jar is inside the other jar? Well, first off, is this even possible?

17 years ago
I have 2 beans 1.) TestBean 2.) DrugBean. TestBean has 2 ArrayList of DrugBeans. The beans are populated from the data base and all is well. Now I have another ArrayList in the ActionFormBean called tests, so in my OpenTestsAction I create a new form, pass it the array of tests, set the form to the request, and forward it to the JSP.

Now, the jsp displays the contents of all beans in the <html:text> boxes great, but when the form is submitted, only the test beans (outside iterator tag) are getting to the action. Another words the array inside the array is not getting set properly.

Below is code snippets to help understand,
Thanks for any help / suggestions,

First of all here is the TestBean code, the drug bean is just a regular bean, nothing special so i am not going to post it;

Next is the ActionFormBean

Finally is the jsp...

LIKE I SAID IT ALL GETS DISPLAYED GREATE, BUT WHEN I TRY TO SUBMIT ONLY THE drug array does not get set in the test array...Any Suggestions?!?!
18 years ago
Thanks again Ulf...
I hate Microsoft and I hope I never have to write an Applet again.
[ October 26, 2005: Message edited by: matt eggbeers ]
18 years ago
1.) I thought that might be that the MSJVM did not like jars so I created another simple applet

and this too loaded in Mozilla and IE when forced to use JRE 1.4.2 but not the default. So, I have decided to force the users to download this JVM

2.) The MSJVM is closest to JRE 1.1?

3.) Thanks for your response.

18 years ago
I have a similar problem, but the oposite. I have an applet that works great when I force IE 6 to use JRE 1.4.2, but when I let IE use the default microsoft VM I get "class UploadFileApplet not found" in the status bar and the Java console does not work. My tag is as follows:

I do have a lot of "fancsy" GUI components like JList and JProgress bar, would this prevent the browser from loading the class? I thought it would just say that the applet could not be initalized.

[ October 26, 2005: Message edited by: matt eggbeers ]
[ October 26, 2005: Message edited by: matt eggbeers ]
18 years ago
Hello All,
I have a file server that has all my picture for an application (user uploaded) and I have created a servlet that gets them from the file server and returns an array of bytes with the MIME type image. It all works great, but is kinda slow because the images are like 2500x2500 pixles, and in some cases the user is viewing 50+ of them.

I was wondering if there was a good way to scale the images (using the array of bytes) in the servlet and then pass it a parameter as to which image to get, large or thumb.

I have coded the solution below, but it is slower than the original I think... Any help would be great.

Also, does this solution require that the server have a graphics card because it is dealing with the Graphics object?
[ October 24, 2005: Message edited by: matt eggbeers ]
18 years ago
Hello All,
I have 2 quick questions about applets:
1.) I have an applet with a pretty elaborate UI, and it is bigger that the screen most of the time, so it the user must scroll down while using it. When the user scolls the browser down, the applet �flickers� and sometimes does not get drawn correctly again. What can I do to stop or correct this?

2.) The applet loads great in Mozilla and IE when I force IE to use the JVM 1.4, but not with the default JVM in IE. However, applets like yahoo games and others that I have found on the internet work well too. Do I need to use the object tag or something?

18 years ago
I am almost positive that you can only connect to the server that the applet was served from.
18 years ago
I am a developer on a project that is being forced to use a load balancing server envirnment. The problem is that I am using a session attribute, UserObject, to keep track of user info. When the user logs in, a UserObject is created and before any action is executed the UserObject is check to be valid or not. If it is then it executes normal, if the object is invalid then the user is forwarded to the login page. The problem arrises when the controller switched the user from one server to the other, the session object is lost and thus the user is kicked out to the login page only for the same thing to happen again. What needs to be changed in the Sun One Configuration?

19 years ago