i developed an app using MSAccess (for proof of concept only) works beautifully but i need to port to SQL Server 2000 (version 8.0 enterprise edition)
i'm having some problems -- sometimes things work other times not for example: the following code gets "STuck"
in my last test -- last thing to display on console is "stuck 3" -- no error message -- things appear to be "stuck"
another time i got passed this but got stuck in 'while loop' - dont know where yet because commented version wiht 'in loop' displays was added after last time it got to this point.
My environment is as follows --
i'm running client on a machine at home through a vpn to a server progrm (above code) at work which connects a SQL server also at work.
i'm using the JDBC ODBC Microsoft driver
[edited to add code tags]
[ July 07, 2005: Message edited by: Jeanne Boyarsky ]