Bear Bibeault wrote:You'll either need to chain them on the client...
Parthiban Mahiby wrote:So please clarify me.
Amol Nayak wrote:Are you saying there are explicit mappings to static resources like *.jpg, *.bmp , *.html etc to some servlets and filters? Well that is unlikely, even if you do, the request will be intercepted by the Servlet/Filter and the requested resource will be served to you only if the Servlet/Filter has the logic to do so.
Amol Nayak wrote:Having a look at the web.xml can give us some clues.
Amol Nayak wrote:The object will be created only if the reqest if for a Dynamic resource (JSP or servlet) and not for any static resource on the Server.
Jianping Wang wrote:Forget to mention: I use Tomcat 6.0.20
Rajeev roushan sharma wrote:
David Newton wrote:There's a "work" directory that contains each app's intermediate files.
Thanks :) I did not get any intermediate file under work folder. Is there any way to configure where to put compiled JSP's intermediate java and class file ?
William Brogden wrote:You should NEVER NEVER try to keep a copy of a session reference longer than a single request/response cycle.
Garrett Smith wrote:Google search results yeilded this thread, a PDF from oracle that crashed Firefox, and a links on that resulted in no server response.
Where can I get the official specification?
Garrett Smith wrote:Brain dead, recursive definition.
" The empty operator is a prefix operation that can be used to determine if a value is null or empty."
Doesn't say whether or no "" is empty, does it?