saikrishna cinux

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Recent posts by saikrishna cinux

David Newton wrote:I kind of already told you what the issue is; Eclipse will not redeploy the file until you do an F5, "Refresh Workspace".

Thanks David.

But how to work in the development environment while working on images?

any better approach?
Hi David,

I directory is not being deleted internally because I can check the latest file uploaded in that directory, confirmed it manually by using windows explorer.

My deployment is using tomcat inbuilt plugin in Eclipse IDE and I just start the server in my IDE and it runs internally. everyhitng is fine and comign to uploads is also ok but when I access that image url from my browser it shows older image file not the uploaded image file.

Every time I upload the image file it will replace the existing file in the same location with the same name so it doesn't show the latest uploaded file but it shows older image file with the same url.

However I can confirm that new file is uploaded properly in that location by exploring to that location manually.

When I refresh web content folder in my IDE then it reflects in the browser as well..

I am not aware of cache..

any more questions?? please let me know.

Hi Praveen,,

This is simple MVC arch app using jsp,servlet,bean,dao etc.

I dont have idea on JSF. do you think Jquery can handle this pagination functionality?

14 years ago
Ok, I got you. But is there any third party API which support this functionality?

Any comment on display tags. I am just going through display tags API now for implementing it in my project. Is there any other good API than display tags?


14 years ago

I agree with your answers, but I feel that hitting database for each 100 records is also a costly process.
I google for pagination and found display tags third party API, don't know in what way it is functioning internally. It seems like it is getting all the available records from database and displaying in the browser

Is there any thrid party API which functions as per your explanation, like fetching only 100 or 1000 records per page each time?

Thanks again.
14 years ago
Hi David,

Thanks for your response.

earlier I tried with firefox and now I tried with IE and come to know that after deleting offline content I could able to see the uploaded image file.

don't know what is happening internally.


Hi all,

Anybody has readily available code for pagination logic using ajax/jquery at client side rendering pagination?

Any good light weight API for handling pagination in jsp?

14 years ago
Hi all,
I am facing some typical problem with image uploading, I ma using commons file upload API for uploading image file.

When image is uploaded to /[mywebapp]/images/ folder it successfully uploads there, I have cross verified it by exploring to that directory manually.
The problem here is I dont see the updated uploaded image file in my web page even I refresh my browser.

But when I refresh the web application project folder in my eclipse IDE then if refresh browser window it reflects update image.

why it is happening like this? any solution for this?

am I doing any thing wrong while displaying the image file in the browser?
Hi does anybody have idea on free java based content management development frame work?

Please help me I know drupal is the best in php but dont have idea on java
Please help me out

15 years ago

Is content management systems is following agile methodology?

some hting for web pages it should extract the required content and store it to flat file.

appreciate fi you could provide me any such information if an api has the ability to extract the content from the web page which displays in flash player.

Thanks so much in advance.

15 years ago
Hi, I am looking for free screen scrap programs in java.

If there is a license free screen scraping API is availabe then I will be very happy to use it for personal usage.

Please help me if anybody knows about screen scrapping API's or programs developed in java.

15 years ago
No I am not considering one screen here. I need so many (1000's) pages information.
Please you have any idea about API?
15 years ago
Please anybody help me out!

Any free API for this or any tips/suggestions?
15 years ago