Hiroshi Tominaga

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since Apr 21, 2005
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Recent posts by Hiroshi Tominaga

Hey guys,
Im trying to develop a custom java application to access and collect the pmi metrics in WebSphere Application Server 6.0.2
I have been able to instantiate an AdminClient Object using SOAP connection type.
I also have been querying the metrics for JVM through the PerfMBean objectName, but what i need to do now is to query data from a specific j2ee application, like SessionManager and Servlet counters....so the question is, how can i do that?
Ill post some code here:
//this is how i instantiate the AdminClient object(pretty easy):
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put(AdminClient.CONNECTOR_TYPE, connector);
props.put(AdminClient.CONNECTOR_HOST, hostStr);
props.put(AdminClient.CONNECTOR_PORT, portStr);
AdminClient ac = AdminClientFactory.createAdminClient(props);

//This is how i get the stats from JVM:
String[] signature = new String[] { "javax.management.ObjectName", "java.lang.Boolean" };
Object[] params = new Object[] {ac.queryNames(new ObjectName("JVM"), null), new Boolean(true) };
StatsImpl stats = (StatsImpl) ac.invoke(perfOName, "getStatsObject", params, signature);

Now i need to view the stats from a especific group of servlets, the ones in the J2EE app i want to monitor, but i dont know how to do that, i guessed i have to change "JVM" for something else but i dont know what is that something else :S

please feel free to post if you know how i can get to the solution.
Thanks in advance!

Hiroshi Tominaga
17 years ago
Hi guys,
Im not sure if this is the right thread to post to, and i apologize if its not.
Well i have to implement some security validations to avois Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks, have anyone done something similar?
I was thinking on building some filters for the request and response objects, but i will need some guidelines...can u provide them pls?
Thanks for the help

best regards!
18 years ago
Hi guys..
im submitting a stored procedure from a J2EE application to a SQLServer 7.0 database, using springframework ...and im getting the following exception:
org.springframework.jdbc.UncategorizedSQLException: (executing CallableStatementCallback [CallableStatementCreatorFactory.CallableStatementCreatorImpl: sql=[{call stored_procedure_name(?)}]: params=[{number=127}]]): encountered SQLException
nested exception is com.ibm.websphere.ce.cm.StaleConnectionException: class com.ibm.ejs.cm.proxy.CallableStatementProxy is closed

Please feel free to post any suggestion,
best regards!
18 years ago
Hey guys...im getting this odd exception:
com.ibm.websphere.ce.cm.StaleConnectionException: class com.ibm.ejs.cm.proxy.CallableStatementProxy is closed

Im executing a transaction from a 1.4 J2EE application to a SQL Server 7.
I call a storedprocedure on the DB and the procedure executes many internal calls and tasks...after 45min i get the error: "CallableStatementProxy is closed". The application uses Spring Framework to control the DB access. The Datasource used in this process doesnt have any time paremeter set as 45min.
After 2 attemps i started the storedprocedure call within the DB....that solved my problem but i wont be able to do that everytime we decide to execute the process.
We are using DataDirect SQLLink driver, type 4.
Please send a post if you have experienced any similar problem and know how to solve it.


best regards!
18 years ago
Hi Patrik,
Is there any firewall between your application and the MQ Server?
Can you test the 1414 host port with a telnet?, just to verify that its working.
Also check if the channels are started.

best regards
18 years ago
Hey guys,
Im trying to use Subversion as a version control system, but im having some troubles implementing the security.
I have installed SVN 1.3.0 and Apache 2.0.55 in my desktop (Windows XP)
and the Active directory runs on a Windows 2000 Server.
I can make the SVN + Apache work without Active Directory authentication, but when i configure it i get an error in the browser trying to access a repository.
Does anyone have set up this combo before? Please post in this thread if you have any clue to solve this problem.
I have read in another forun that this combo (SVN 1.3+Apache 2.055) does not work at all.....but im not sure. If you find that its impossible to solve the problem then please propose another combo solution...maybe changing the version of some of these products.

best regards!!
Hi guys,
Im having come problems trying to write a file in a remote machine. I have mapped the remote directory to a unit in the local machine, when my java program tries to write the file in the path Z:\remoteDir\ i get a security exception....acces denied on the file It seems that the program is not allowed to write on that directory. I have activated all the permissions over that remote directory to everyone (every user)...i dont understand whats the problem.
Thanks for yout help guys,

best regards!
18 years ago
Hi Rathi,
beware of the classloader, since Parent_Last would give higher priority to your web app classloader over the server classloader.
Remember that when Websphere loads a class A, every class being instanced from that class are going to be loaded by the classloader that loaded class A...if they aren't in the same classloader environment then an Exception would be trown.

best regards!
18 years ago
Hi Gautam,
I hope it wont be so late for the suggestion...
well...for IBM Test 340 the idea is to read these redbooks: sg246195.pdf, sg246198.pdf and sg246573.pdf.
If you are short of time, the go for sg246195.pdf ....and if you are even shorter of time then read the following chapters from that redbook: 1,2,3,4,7,8,9,13,14,15...but of course it's on your risk, since these are the "at least" chapters to read.

hope this could help.
best regards!
I don't know if you already fix the problem..if not, i know that cumulative fix 7 for was 5.1.1 solves this problem.
I also had same problem with was

best regards!
18 years ago
Hi everyone,
I have an applet built to print some information in the default client printer. It's a signed applet, and its an extra functionality of a major j2ee application.
The application used to work and run on a WAS 5.0(jdk 1.3), a couple of weeks ago we migrated the application to a WAS 5.1.1(jdk 1.4.1)...since the migration the applet seems to be failing.
This is the stackTrace in the Java Console when i try to execute the printing:
sun.misc.ServiceConfigurationError: javax.print.PrintServiceLookup: http://server/app/applets/META-INF/services/javax.print.PrintServiceLookup:1: Illegal configuration-file syntax at sun.misc.Service.fail(Unknown Source)
at sun.misc.Service.fail(Unknown Source)
at sun.misc.Service.parseLine(Unknown Source)
at sun.misc.Service.parse(Unknown Source)
at sun.misc.Service.access$100(Unknown Source)
at sun.misc.Service$LazyIterator.hasNext(Unknown Source)
at javax.print.PrintServiceLookup$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at javax.print.PrintServiceLookup.getAllLookupServices(Unknown Source)
at javax.print.PrintServiceLookup.lookupDefaultPrintService(Unknown Source)
at sun.print.RasterPrinterJob.getPrintService(Unknown Source)
at sun.awt.windows.WPrinterJob.getPrintService(Unknown Source)
at sun.print.RasterPrinterJob.print(Unknown Source)
at sun.print.RasterPrinterJob.print(Unknown Source)
at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.print.JRPrinterAWT.printPages(JRPrinterAWT.java:188)
at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.print.JRPrinterAWT.printPages(JRPrinterAWT.java:87)
at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperPrintManager.printPages(JasperPrintManager.java:348)
at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperPrintManager.printReport(JasperPrintManager.java:239)
at PrinterApplet$2.run(PrinterApplet.java:134)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

I've look for the error in google and i've found some information and many similar cases, but none of the solutions seems to fix my problem.
It would be great if anyone can help me with this issue, thank you very much.

best regards!
18 years ago
Its not a stale connection problem....at least not the common stale connection, i start the server, execute the call and get the exception.
i cant find the solution yet
I get the following error statement when i try to call a stored procedure on DB2 for iSeries:

StaleConnecti A CONM7007I:
Mapping the following SQLException, with ErrorCode -901 and SQLState
58004, to a StaleConnectionException: java.sql.SQLException: [SQL0901]
SQL system error.

I call the procedure from my development environment, here are the specs:
- WSAD 5.1
- TestEnvironment Server 5.0
- DataSource version 5 - this is required because i use J2EE 1.3 specification, i cant use an older spec.
- JT400 (7/20/2004 - 4,003Kb...i dont know the version or release of this)

Please if anyone know what can i do feel free to post suggestions.
I found this link on the web: http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/forums/dw_thread.jsp?message=13743832&cat=19&thread=91012&treeDisplayType=threadmode1&forum=292#13743832
But i need the answer to solve the problem.
Hi Nimish,
In the url you provided there's a link to the WSAD 5.1.2, i think thats the one you are looking for, the websphere studio application developer.
You may want to order the DVD trial version of the latest ibm products...you can find then the RAD(Rational Application Developer) which is the latets devolpment tool from ibm.

good luck!,
best regards
19 years ago
Hi Ulf,
thanks for the help, i tried the HttpClient and suceed....very simple to use indeed.
Using POST instead pf GET is just what i needed

best regards!
19 years ago