kriti sharma

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Recent posts by kriti sharma

Ko Ko Naing is very correct. is there anybody preparing for OCUP?
Hi all,

is there anybody who is OCUP certified or is preparing for it?

Originally posted by Abhi Chat:
im preparing for my scjd...but i wanted to make an GUI apps before i jump into the main the application design of scjd....

hrees a link of the screenshot of my apps....can u guys rate it for me in a a scale of 10 demo.doc



i cannt reach this link abhi.i wish to see ur screenshots.
[ October 25, 2004: Message edited by: kriti sharma ]
Hi Nadeem,

i too got job in TCS during campus placements. i left the job after 9 months. i was placed on a maintenance project,but that was not the problem. if u get to work on a maintenance project which directly lets u touch technology , there should be no problem.because even in a maintenance project there are CMRs ie change management requests wherein u add new features. my problem in TCS was that i was made to work on a psuedo technology i.e technology wrapped up in a comfortable cushion. TCS pune develops tools which can make even donkeys work. and there are 90% donkeys in TCS. my other friends who joined TCS are all not that bad. most of them are abroad...USA,UK,Singapore, u too may have that chance in TCS.ur luck cant be predicted by any of us here.remuneration should not be the deciding factor for a fresher.

both the companies have good name, whatever dirt may exist inside fact if u join TCS u will first have 2-3 months training after which ur placement in india will be decided. my advice is ...DONT OPT FOR DELHI,go for bombay.all the new projects are in bombay, bangalore and chennai.

best of luck
20 years ago
How to use Remote java Application JVM on my local Eclipse IDE.iam using Eclipse3.0. i want to load a Remote java application which is running on some remote JVM.
i will also be taking up SCJD during the next year while i will be in Germany, but i am an Indian and English is not a problem with of luck!
hello everybody,

i intend to prepare for SCJD. i cud not find the reading materials page much helpful. can you all please give me inputs as to which all books and other resources i must collect to prepare for the exam. i am working on J2EE, hence i am not aware of good core java basics and design patterns etc. kindly guide me accordingly.
Vijay, Siemens for a fresher is a need not even have asked this question.go on.
20 years ago
TCS training spanned three months. it included C,unix, data structures,sql,oops,software engg,personlatity develpoment. i do not remember everything in detail as its abt 2 years now.i was put to a maintenance project ie neither development nor testing :-)
20 years ago
Vijay,out of the nine months, 3 months were training, i worked only for 6 months and i was sure that my grave was a better place than TCS! i have just got appointed at Siemens and will be going to Germany for abt an year this October. i am lucky to get this job coz i will work on C/C++/Java/UML etc. i passed out as Electrical Engg from REC Bhopal batch 2002.

i did not pay the bond money to TCS, the letters keep coming but we do not accept them. everybody does the same.

20 years ago
Hi Vijay,

i too got selected by TCS during college campus placements and joined it. i left TCS after 9 months because it was not worth working for. there is a lot of junk-clerical type of work in TCS which will never let you even touch the real software field. it is too much of a luck to be put at good technology as a fresher in TCS. i do not know about the type of work at Amdocs. But i say no for TCS.

best of luck
20 years ago
Thanks Kaustubh, yes you have answered my queries on the board before
i just hope this time i like my work.
20 years ago
Thanks Sridhar and Rahul. I am very happy with the thought that i will be working on C/C++/Java.finally my SCJP has been recognised. my package at TCS was 1.8lacs pa and even after long years it wud not have gone beyond 3lac pa. the work was also clerical type,no designing or optimisations.the work exp at TCS wud have never fetched me a better opportunity in the software industry even after years of experience because i was not working on a technology there. i am very happy for myself.i have to fly latest by first week of October, i have just sufficient time to shop i wish everybody on the earth is as happy and delighted as i am today!!!
20 years ago
Pradeep, TCS IS A BULLSHIT COMPANY!!!let me not say any further.
20 years ago
Rahul i will be working for Siemens which is not an IT company. i am going to work as an Electrical engg cum software engg. my work will be to design and implement code to run turbines in power plants and lots more. besides, i am straight away being placed in Germany for abt 6months to an year for training cum work. if luck favours i am never to return to India coz their development work for this field is all outside India. so i guess my package is fine. what do u say?
20 years ago