Hi Nadeem,
i too got job in TCS during campus placements. i left the job after 9 months. i was placed on a maintenance project,but that was not the problem. if u get to work on a maintenance project which directly lets u touch technology , there should be no problem.because even in a maintenance project there are CMRs ie change management requests wherein u add new features. my problem in TCS was that i was made to work on a psuedo technology i.e technology wrapped up in a comfortable cushion. TCS pune develops tools which can make even donkeys work. and there are 90% donkeys in TCS. my other friends who joined TCS are all not that bad. most of them are abroad...USA,UK,Singapore,Switzerland.so u too may have that chance in TCS.ur luck cant be predicted by any of us here.remuneration should not be the deciding factor for a fresher.
both the companies have good name, whatever dirt may exist inside them.in fact if u join TCS u will first have 2-3 months training after which ur placement in india will be decided. my advice is ...DONT OPT FOR DELHI,go for bombay.all the new projects are in bombay, bangalore and chennai.
best of luck