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since May 04, 2005
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Recent posts by Marie

Joe, see now, I added my 1st name.. People call me Mei in short.
18 years ago
I have added following in to the file and trying to start up the server. Vendor who built the server that server can write to log4j tables and all what I need to do is add below to .properties file.

But Server does not get started up... Do you have any idea ?

18 years ago
Yes, Company asked me to pick one or the other. ie why I wanted to know SL-500 design pattern is beter than SL-425 : Srchitecting J2EE applications.
Hi all

I am preparing for SCEA part 1.
If anyone has taken these classes.

I would like to know which class is much better than the other if so why?

Thanks Much

Can anyone tell me quicker way to import petstore sample which comes with J2EE download?
Can someone send me the full blown J2EE petstore download in JDK 1.4 ?

I did not find it (always I get 1.5 which I do not want)

how to see the Admin console on tomcat?
18 years ago
Hey Sanjeev

Can you give the link yo sun's sample test site ?

Can someone let me know how to get the pop up Calendar on a page?

I downloaded a javascript from but do not know how to incorporate in the jsp .

Any idea?
18 years ago
I have the setter setType in the action class, It displays on the WAS console too. But it does not set to the correct value taken from the DB.

I need a <logic:match done correctly. I think the logic tag attributes are wrong.

<logic:match name="<%=sessionValue%>" property="type" value="E"> ---???
<html:radio name="<%=sessionValue%>" property="type" value="I"/>Internal
<html:radio name="<%=sessionValue%>" property="type" value="E"/>External
18 years ago
Can someone tell what is the correct way to select one radio button when displaying a response to the client in struts based JSP page.

Tried following with checked attribute does not work

<logic:match name="<%=sessionValue%>" property="type" value="C">
<html:radio checked="checked" name="<%=sessionValue%>" property="type" value="I"/>Internal
18 years ago
I explain to the client the same. But client tells us the way the vendor has written the code they need to maintain the order.

Any ideas on changing the position of attributes?
I have following in my stylesheet.

When I parse thru' following via xalan coming with jdk any 1.4 version I always get attributes sorted. I do not want to sort. What <xsl: .....) command I can use not to sort.

<xsl:when test="contains(Status/@success,'false')">
<xsl:element name="error">
<xsl:attribute name="L">mee</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:attribute name="C">xxx</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:attribute name="A">blah</xsl:attribute>

Output of the parser is always

<error A="blah" C="xxx" L="mee"/>

But required output is

<error C="xxx" A="blah" L="mee">
In my new job one of the exercise they gave me was to put all the hard coded values in to a properties file.

Code is pure java but I do the development in websphere just use as a IDE.

I created a text file with all the hard coded values.

Can someone tell me how to get them to the variable ?

Can I use buffer read?

18 years ago

I did define the static content location under extension, now it is better I get the screen but still getting the same error message for javascript , gif files not found. The LHS menu generated by javascript.

Do you have any idea?
18 years ago