Dhanesh Kumar

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since May 06, 2005
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Recent posts by Dhanesh Kumar

private static Hashtable staticHash = new StringBuffer();
private Hashtable instanceHash = new StringBuffer();

i tried to compile above tow line. i got error like following

C:\Test.java:7: Incompatible type for new. Can't convert java.lang.StringBuffer to java.util.Hashtable.
private static Hashtable staticHash = new StringBuffer();
C:\Test.java:8: Incompatible type for new. Can't convert java.lang.StringBuffer to java.util.Hashtable.
private Hashtable instanceHash = new StringBuffer();
2 errors

i think the question may be wrongly asked..
pls anyone let me know that am i right or not

SCJP1.4/preparing SCWCD
rajaramam do u got the ans?
today i am aslo encounter the same problem
pls let me know if any knows that
as soon as possible.
this is my error:
java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ttcgcshnd-1], [0], [], [], [], []
, [], []

at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(DBError.java:169)
at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.TTIoer.processError(TTIoer.java:208)
at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.Oall7.receive(Oall7.java:543)
at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.TTC7Protocol.doOall7(TTC7Protocol.java:1405)
at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.TTC7Protocol.fetch(TTC7Protocol.java:889)
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteQuery(OracleStatement.java:1826) :

Hi friends ,

yesterday I wrote the exam and I got 73%;

I want say thanks to this groub and kathy sierra

If any body tell me . this percentage is enough or not
19 years ago
hich of the follow are true statements.

a. An anonymous class can extend only the Object class.
b. An anonymous class can not implement an interface.
c. An anonymous class can be abstract.
d. An anonymous class is implicitly final.
e. An anonymous class can be static.
f. The class instance creation expression for an anonymous class must never include parameters.
g. An anonymous class must declare at least one constructor.
h. None of the above.
Yes u r exactly correct
above …..replay very very correct......

but U should remember one thing just pass(52%) is waste. So try to take above 80%
All the best …..

I think it will give false. But I didn’t check it. Why I am saying like this means. The equals methods check both object are meaning fully equal or not if both object are refer the same class. I am assure about it . if it is wrong means … correct me.

no compiletime error.
i checked it .
it will give ans in hex


I continual subtract 128 . but it sometime going to wrong output. That is I assure positive number means it will give negative number…
Hi friends

class EBH019 {
public static void main (String args[]) {
int i1 = 0xffffffff, i2 = i1 << 1;
int i3 = i1 >> 1, i4 = i1 >>> 1;
System.out.print(Integer.toHexString(i2) + ",");
System.out.print(Integer.toHexString(i3) + ",");

I know only how the int value is shifted by using any one of shift operator

Above pgm is hex value. That hex value first converted to int than it going to be shifted .am I right?

Convert to hex to int and than shifted is take more time to find the answer.

If suppose the real exam having like this means how to find a answer very fast as well as by easiest way

Please replay as soon as possible.

Preparing SCJP(1.4)

(removed shouting from topic title)
[ May 10, 2005: Message edited by: Barry Gaunt ]
Hi friends
see the following code;

byte b=127 // ok
s.o.p(b)// Ans is 127;

byte b=128 // Compile time error;
So we need to type cast by explicitly

byte b=(byte)128 /// ok
s.o.p(b)// ans is –128

if suppose I will write

byte b=(byte) 540 // ok
s.o.p(b)//Ans is 28

I know the how the 28 has to come. But my way is very difficult to find .
So please any one tell me to find ans above or follows.

byte b=(byte)989;
s.o.p(b) // what is ans and how to find the ans by easiest way
hi friends.

i want to write SCJP1.4
My boss said that instead of tacking scjp1.4 directly take 1.5. but myself somewhat strong in 1.4 and also I have material for 1.4.

If suppose I have to write 1.5 means .what are new content (like packages)to scjp1.5.
How many days it will take to update my self.

Pls let me know as soon as possible.

i am also preparing SCJP

More About thing about static .

Local variable cant be static .

Static method can be access only other static member. If u want to access nonstatic member through object only possible.

Nonstatic method can be access both static and nonstatic member.

Thanks narayanan.

june first week i will write SCJP exam. meanwhile if u want to say any help to me means this is my personal mail id. hai_dhanesh@yahoo.com. please conduct.

with Regards
Tahnks narayanan.

sorry for distrubance. one more question. please kindly replay .

How many question ask for the exam.( I think it is 60) what is the minimum score?
Is there any negative mark ?
