Swapna Anand

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since May 11, 2005
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Recent posts by Swapna Anand

Hi All,

I have been a more silent part of this group but it has made me achieve
my goal.

19 years ago
Please explain this question from K&M mock

A i.v is guranteed always to be 0 or 1
B j.v is guranteed always to be 0 or 1
C k.v is guranteed always to be 0 or 1
D j.v will always be greater than or equal to k.v at any given time
E k.v will always be greater than or equal to j.v at any given time

[B](formatted and placed between tags)[/B]
[ August 18, 2005: Message edited by: Barry Gaunt ]
Hi All,

Please advise which all mock exams should i take, I am giving the exam this saturday, Also advise me what should be my plan of action for these final couple of days.

Static methods can only be overridden by Staic methods, they cannot be overridden by instance methods in the child class.
hope this clears up the doubt!!!
Hi All,

I have been a regular reader of javaranch. Thanks all for the great work.
Please let me know of some good material for Garbage collection. Also tell
me how this works....question from K&B
X3 x2 = new X3();
X3 x3 = new X3();
X3 x5 = x3;
x3 = x2;
X3 x4 = x3;
x2 = null;
//insert code
what two lines of code inserted independently at line 18 wil make an object eligible for GC.
x5 = null;
x5 = x4;

class A {
private B b; ..............//1
void test(){
b=new B();
void demo(B bb) {
bb = null;
bb = new B();
When is the B object at 1 eligible for garbage colelction.

The correct answer will be D as the implicit call to super is not defined

real exam code deleted
[ July 02, 2005: Message edited by: Barry Gaunt ]