Originally posted by Brian Percival:
when they say no script is allowed, I would think anything which starts like <%...
is not allowed.
Now that makes me wonder if a jsp comment is allowed.. like
<%!-- ......
any comments?
Originally posted by Edmund Yong:
Hi David,
That's what I suspected, and I've searched the Internet and found that it's true. HttpSessionActivationListener should NOT be configured in the DD.
But seriously, how can the authors of HFSJ make such an obvious mistake? In this case, the errata should contain a lot more because all the stuff mentioned in 2 or 3 pages in the book about HttpSessionActivationListener are wrong! For example, it mentioned that HttpSessionActivationListener can be implemented by an attribute classes as well as other classes. It should just be attribute classes, right?
Originally posted by Bert Bates:
Ice, Mat, et. al.,
1 - Be a study guide for the Sun exam
2 - Be an intro to servlets and jsps
-[ July 26, 2005: Message edited by: s mendez]
Originally posted by mohan dodderi:
thank u very much shiva can u tell me the JBoss version.
thanks and regards
Originally posted by kapil munjal:
requestScope[integer] return 0
- It will look for a attribute with the name 'integer', and it will find the value of this attribute as 3. But till now this expression has not looked into requestScope. Its just the EL which is being processed. Now, it will look for the 4th element in the requestscope and it will not find anything as there are only 3 elements (0,1,2). So, it will return 0.
But it we do this -
requestScope["integer"] or requestScope['integer'] return 3
It will look for a map value with the key 'integer' and it will find the second key in the map and return the value 3.
Originally posted by J Johny Rufus:
Hi Shiva,
I perfectly agree with Narendra, as "Scriptless" bars the usage of two things
1. scriptlets <% %> and
2. scriptlet expressions <%= %>
Thanks and Regards,
Originally posted by kapil munjal:
Please go to page 394 of HFSJ and you will find the question.
Originally posted by Sirisha Reddy:
It is just me? or is there anyone out there on this small planet who share my views.
Describe HFSJ by basham/Sierra/Bates in 7 words:
==> CLEAR and wrong, than FOGGY and right <==
this time, like all times is a great time as long as
we read the right books
(R. W. Emerson pharaphrased)
Reading about jboss portal some people speaks about PORTLETS, can you gimme a short clear example of what a portlet is?
try this tutorial:
The single biggest enemy of reliability and
perhaps of software quality in general is complexity.
So, what is it that someone could do to convince the decision-maker to pick JBoss over other App servers?
there are a lot of wonderful open-source projects(JBoss, Hibernate, Spring), and their support is not NULL.
The big shots think: no one is fired because she(or he) go to Bed
with IBM (Web logic JRun etcetera). Open-source??? no idea!!!
It is a schizophrenia, the big shots "do it" costly, but what
count is to "do it" cheap and right.
About JBoss-support: the reaction-time of JBoss breaks
the general relativity theory!!!
`Once,` said the Mock Turtle at last, with a deep sigh, `I was
a real Turtle.`
`Well, then,` the Gryphon went on, `if you don't know what to
uglify is, you ARE a simpleton.`
--Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Wondering what is the quickest way to write the deployment descriptors for deployment of apps on JBoss? Is there an IDE that makes the process easy?
Hi Saurabh,
Yes there is an IDE: Eclipse 3.1 + lomboz plugin (lomboz-I20050526.zip,
lomboz-eclipse-emf-gef-jem-I20050526.zip, lomboz-emf-gef-jem-I20050526.zip)
It features:
+Building Web applications with HTML pages, servlets, JavaServer Page (JSP) files.
+Generation of Web and EJB containers using wizards.
+Generation of EJB test clients using wizards.
+++J2EE Web application archives (EAR), web modules (WAR) files and
Ejb archive (Jar) file deployment support.
+++Integrated EJB 1.1 and 2.0 (Session, Entity and Message Driven Beans)
development with XDoclet.
+Enabling end-to-end local and remote testing of application servers.
+Ability to support almost any Java application server by extendable
server definitions.
+Ability to debug live server-side code (JSP & EJBs) using the
integrated Java debugger.
+Increasing productivity by using wizards and code generators
+Generate Web Services clients form WSDL files (using Apache Axis)
Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore
--Dorothy, from the Wizard of Oz
Originally posted by Sirisha Reddy:
I heard a lot of good things abt this book. I bought one and it is definitly not for me. Very hard to read and remember for someone who used to regular textbooks which are filled with less/no distractions (extreneuos diagrams / photos/ pointers/jokes etc.)
It is just me? or is there anyone out there on this small planet who share my views.
Originally posted by Nick Bowman:
[QB]Hi there,
I was so eager to get the Deshmukh/Malavia Exam study kit that I bought the old version from Amazon for 310-080 by mistake
Hi Nick,
or SCWCD Exam study Kit, second edition by Deshmukh/Malavia/Scarpino considered HARMFUL!!!
after Dijkstra(paraphrased):
The use of Deshmukh/Malavia/Scarpino (SCWCD 081, second edition), cripples the mind;
its reading should, therefore, be regarded as criminal offense.
And think about: Nothing is expensive as making mistakes(by
example reading a bad book. dito.)