akshaj nampelly

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since May 18, 2005
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Recent posts by akshaj nampelly

give me code snippet please. I done with date difference but unable to do with time different. My time formats are HH:MM.

I have to compare two time values.
Time A displayed on the form in hh:mm format as 10:30
User has to enter Time B. If he enters prior time to Time A the system has to throw a javascript alert to reenter later time.

code snippet please

I dont want to put with <form tag>. But with submit button I want to validate the two dates.

date A property is already displayed on page. date B will be entered and validated to be prior to date A. date A and B are two properties in a single form.

suggest on this.

I have 2 dates A, B.

I get date A displayed on the form and on which I have to enter date B. The condition here is date B should be always later than date A. If user enters prior date in date B Text box and submits, an alert message have to be prompted to correct it. I want to use javascript logic for this.

code snippets please.

I have two dates A and B on a form. Date A is displayed while I entering date B. If date B is prior to date A, it has to show valid error message when I submit the page. I want to use <logic> tag for this comparison and error message. How to go about it? Code snippet is appreciated.

19 years ago
I have two forms with fields. Some fields are required. I want to validate the form fields without validation.xml. I want to write code in javascript with some alert messages.

can any body suggest best tutorial or sample javascript code.

I have a number and name field on search page. When I search with number it is very fast, but when I search with name it is too slow eventhough that name is unique. Is this a general problem or code specific.

19 years ago

I go back to the page, when they have text in them and when i want to update the values I entered in previous page.

I have a search form. Based on search parameter i will get search results which will be scrolled down. Bottom of the page I have input some data which is mandatory to go to next page. From next page I may come back to update my data which entered in previous page. When I come back I want to go directly to the data area which I entered previously. But now I am going to middle of the page, which is not required. I am using history.goNav(-1) with Back button. Going to back page is ok, but it has to show the space where I have entered data.

Any pointers.

Specify DataSource in Struts-config.xml like


<!-- Data Sources -->

19 years ago
Hi Ramina

My question is that is there any standard of using prompts in AppResources.properties of struts.

Normally we use prompt.name=Name, But in my case I have different moducles like X, Y, Z. I want to use it as X.prompt.name=Name and so on.

I got my answer, anyway

19 years ago

I have a search criteria in my application, I need to display the size of the search results on resutls jsp, I have done it by declaring attribute like searchresultssize in searchForm, But I feel it is redundant,

Is there any otherway of doing it?

19 years ago

Can I use xxx.prompt.xxx in ApplicationResources.properties instead of prompt.xxx?

19 years ago
The error because of input="", here you have to mention like input = "/hello.jsp", then it will not throw errors.
19 years ago
My functionality is to show check box checked based on value compared to database value when it is trur or unchecked when false, I want to include checkbox in <logic:equal> tag, how to go for that, it will be with <html:checkbod> or <input type=checkbox>.

19 years ago