Prem Khan

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since May 30, 2005
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Hi, can someome help me by telling me who the moderator is here ?
14 years ago
I evaluated iBATIS for a large project awhile back, but I found it to be less flexable than other ORM tools.

In the end I choose Hibernate. Hibernate alows you to structure your javaclasses and their relationship to the database tables in just about any way you can imagin. More than one java class can be used to represent one table, or the other way around if you want.

This can be used as an object oriented solution in its self.

Look up "finely grained domain models".

Sometimes when a new user is having trouble with "no faces context" they have the sevlet mapping is set to *.jsf for the faces servlet. Try typeing in jsf instead of jsp.
17 years ago
I havent worked with this kind of thing for awhile, but I think you can set "virtual servers" or you can declare multiple mappings in your server.xml and have one of them accept input from a certain domain name.
17 years ago
[ September 06, 2006: Message edited by: Shawn DeSarkar ]
18 years ago

failed to pay them the minimum required wage rate in the areas where they were employed

What is the requried wage ?
18 years ago
I dont think there is a real shortage of labour anywhere in the world, especially India.

If people are willing to pay good money and good working conditions, smart people will be there ready to do work.

Poor money and poor working conditions and the smart people will stay away from it. (ie students in Canada are no longer going into comp sci)

I dont know how the IT shop condidtions are in India, but I know there is not a shortage of workers there.
18 years ago
Why do you want to come to Canada ? Did someone tell you its the land of gold ?
18 years ago
No its not easy for anyone, its 10 times as hard for an imigrant
18 years ago
If you are a desi and you want to come to Canada, use your degree in computers to come to Canada, but do not exspect to be working in this field. There is alot of money to be made in Canada, but it is not for IT people.

Many Indians (mostly punjabbi) come to Canada and drive trucks go into the skilled trades. They pay VERY well for what you do. My uncle makes $35/canadian being a machinist, some java guys make that too, but if you are from india, or even brown for that matter dont exspect that money from computers.
18 years ago
Im not sure what the exact tax amount is but it is higher than the states.
I end up takeing home $2000 Canadian per month.
18 years ago
I think job here in Canada pay alot lower than the US. I ger 35,000 Canadian with a year and a half exp.
18 years ago
I dont think canadian companys know what Java is besides inside their web browser as an applet.

I find its mostly M$ .NET in Canada. And dont bother applying for a programming job in Canada unless you have a Degree in Comp Sci / Or very special industry specific knoledge and 4 years exsperience minimum.
18 years ago
Im working with the sun RI, and this is just so strange. I have no probblems with IE, but firefox caches the brower session and the value of my beans wont die accross multiple browser instances ??
18 years ago
Good for India, I wish my dad had never come to Canada.
18 years ago