Where can I find study materials for the Core Spring certification?
The Suudy Guides for both versions are on
Pivotal's Certification site.
Spring 5:
Pivotal's website includes a
study guide and
exam overview
Spring 4:
Around September 2014, Pivotal updated the Core Spring course material and exam. Same major topics, however the emphasis is to use java configuration. Pivotal Academy
Spring 3:
In July 2010, Spring Source put out a 3.X study guideJeanne Boyarsky posted her study notes along with a lot of exam commentarySee Jeanne's list of resources with comments for each one.Gavin Lasnitzki certification resources for Spring 3.0
The Spring 2.5 exam is no longer offered
Spring 2.5:
Spring Source's 2.5 study guideSpring Source's 'sample questions' (they aren't multiple choice like on the exam)
Where can I find mock exams for the Core Spring certification?
Where can I find sample questions for the Core Spring certification?
Post some links here!
Where are some experiences from someone who has taken the exam?
Dan Fernandez explains in great detail his preparation process for 2.5
test as a grandfathered candidate (without having taken the course.)
How much is the cost for the exam?
In May 2017, Pivotal
no longer requires taking a class to take the certification. The exam costs $200.