General remarks
While any of the following may help solve security-related problems, keep in mind that security is a process, not a single product or technology. A technologically secure computer system does not help if someone can steal its hard drive, it's not backed up properly, or if its password is written on a Post-It note.Introduction to various security topicsAn interview with Bruce Schneier gives an introduction of some of the non-technological issues and trade-offs to consider. His book Secrets & Lies is a good introduction to designing secure system.comp.risks is a newsgroup and mailing list where all matters related to computer security are discussed by highly knowledgeable practitioners of the field.Overview of Java security, Sun's Secure Coding Guidelines for the Java Programming LanguageJava Security Evolution and Concepts series in JavaWorld: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5Pitfalls of the Java Permission model
Applet security
How Can An Applet Read Files On The Local File System
Security managers and class loaders
Introduction to SecurityManagersIntroduction to ClassLoaders
Web applications and HTTP
Some starting points are in the ServletsFaqGuide to Building Secure Web ApplicationsForm parameter checkinga couple of introductions to SQL injectionCross-site scripting/JS-injectionHTTP Response Splitting: Introduction, Detecting and Testing (a browser extension like HTTP-Header-Live for Firefox can also be very useful for this)Single Sign-On (SSO) can be implemented with CAS, JOSSO, OpenAM (formerly OpenSSO) or SPNEGOOWASP's CSRFGuard project, which helps guard your web app against -wait for it- CSRF attacks.
Ajax SecurityThe Web Application Hacker's HandbookXSS Attacks
Home pageAuthentication Tutorial - Authorization TutorialIntroduction 1 - Introduction 2 - Introduction 3JavaRanch Journal articles: Authentication using JAAS - Authorization using JAASExtend JAAS for class instance-level authorizationUsing JAAS in Java EE and SOA Environments - Adapting JAAS to SOA Environments: SOA Security Service
JCE - Encryption - Message Digests
Home pageBasic DES encryption/decryption with JCE (you should really use "Triple-DES/3DES" instead of the obsolete DES)Basic Triple-DES/3DES encryption/decryption with JCEUsing AES with JCE, code exampleHow do I work with message digests?, but Don't Hash SecretsA list of available algorithms
Q: Using JCE I am getting a BadPaddingException. What should I do?
A: Search the forums for "B
adPaddingException" for several discussions on this. The gist is: don't use a
String to store the encrypted text - use byte[].
Q: Where can I get Java source code for the XYZ algorithm?
A: Bouncycastle is an open source library comprised of many and varied encryption algorithms, amongst them a full JCE implementation. The codes for the AES competition are also
available Those include Rijndael (which became AES), RC6, Serpent, Twofish and Mars.
Q: I am getting an java.lang.SecurityException: Unsupported keysize or algorithm parameters. What gives?
A: One reason may be that you're using incorrect parameters for the algorithm, mode or cipher. Check the above-mentioned list of algorithms for what is available. Another reason may be that you don't have the unlimited jurisdiction policy files installed; these can be downloaded from the same place you download the J2SE JDK.
Q: How can I implement my own JCE provider?
A: This is described in detail in the article
How To Implement a Provider for the Java Cryptography Architecture Information on how to install the provider can be found in the sections on "How Provider Implementations Are Requested and Supplied" and "Installing Providers" in
this article.
Q: Which message digest (or hash) algorithm should I use?
A: At this point, the various RC, MD and SHA-1 algorithms should no longer be used. SHA-2 is the way to go; it's available in Java in the SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512 variants. (A
NIST competition has selected a SHA-3 standard, but it's not yet part of the JRE, and anyway offers no fundamental advantage over SHA-2.)
Web service security
This article is part of the Axis documentation, but it's generally applicable.
The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a free and open application security community. The OWASP page contains many useful links.Books - Soft copies for many of the books can be downloaded for free.Video Links - Videos of presentations made by OWASP members at various conferences.OWASP Development Guide - Wiki link.
GSSP - Secure Software Programmer CertificationCISSP - Certified Information Systems Security ProfessionalCISMCertified Information Security ManagerCEH - Certified Ethical HackerOWASP (on hold)various certificationsMaster's degree in cyber security
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