T h e . C o d e R a n c h . J o u r n a l
April 2015 Edition
Howdy from all the
CodeRanch staff, and welcome to the April edition of the
CodeRanch Journal.
I n t e r e s t i n g . C o d e R a n c h . F o r u m . P o s t s
It was time again for the Trail Boss to appoint some new Saloon Keepers and Sheriffs. https://coderanch.com/t/648623/Ranch-Office/Saloon-Keepers-Sheriffs
In a question about Queue's, a member enquired how to notify the consumer that the producer has no more data https://coderanch.com/t/649057/java/java/Producer-Consumer-limited-content-unknown
A member asked about how to mock out local methods in a test, which prompted a discussion on good design and test smells. https://coderanch.com/t/648959/Testing/Mockito-Test-Nested-methods
What does the underscore character mean in Scala? Now we know https://coderanch.com/t/648418/Scala/Scala-wildcard-meaning
One of our members encountered an overzealous approach to identity verification in his local library. It must be Meaningless Drivel. https://coderanch.com/t/649168/md/Government-rules-good-meaningless-drivel
And finally: Did you spot any of the April Fool's antics going on around the Ranch on April 1st? Perhaps you saw Bender the Robot posting silly questions? Or the special forum for URGENT items? The CodeRanch staff had a lot of fun that day...
B o o k . P r o m o t i o n s . & . W i n n e r s
There's a book promotion just about every week at
CodeRanch https://coderanch.com/how-to/java/BookPromotions. Just ask a question in the appropriate forum and you're eligible to win a copy of the book.
Our recent book promotions and their winners can be found below:
Javascript Application Design - https://coderanch.com/t/648538/HTML-CSS-JavaScript/Winners-JavaScript-Application-Design
Meteor in Action - https://coderanch.com/t/648809/HTML-CSS-JavaScript/Winners-Meteor-Action
PostGIS in Action - https://coderanch.com/t/649124/JDBC/databases/Winners-PostGIS-Action
B u n k h o u s e . L o u n g e . B o o k . C l u b
Almost every month we pick a book to read and talk about in the Bunkhouse Lounge
If you have a book you'd like to have discussed, suggest it here https://coderanch.com/t/644249/Bunkhouse-Lounge/Book-Club-Schedule-Add-suggestion
Occasionally the Moose let's us turn on the Wifi and we get together to complete an online course.
Coursera: Principles of Reactive Programming (Odersky, Meijer, and Kuhn) - https://coderanch.com/t/648582/Bunkhouse-Lounge/Coursera-Online-Principles-Reactive-Programming
T h i s . M o n t h ' s . E d i t o r
Tim Cooke (
https://coderanch.com/u/168427/Tim-Cooke) has been programming for a living for the best part of a decade, and a lot longer before that just for fun. When he's not writing software for the largest Derivatives
Exchange in the World, you can usually find him around the forums with a cup of Tea in hand and his feet up.
S u g g e s t i o n s / F e e d b a c k
If you have any feedback on this month's journal then feel free to create a topic in our Ranch Office
J o u r n a l . A r c h i v e
Our previously published journals are available online at