CodeRanch Journal, April 2011 Edition
Howdy from the April edition of the
CodeRanch Journal. This month's journal editor is author, bartender and
cow tipper extraordinaire, Cameron McKenzie.
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The CodeRanch Conference Hangover
The CodeRanch usurped TSSJS 2011 in Las Vegas last month, and ever since the event, pictures, videos and blog posts have steadily been trickling in. Here are a few plum pickings from the event:
CodeRanch's TrailBoss Paul Wheaton meets The Father of Java, James Gosling.All CodeRanch staff who attended TSSJS on stage together, minus Cameron and LasseQuick video interviews with some of your favorite CodeRanch staff.Scott and Jeanne's awesome live blog index for the show.
Interesting Staff Blogs
The JSR Backlash: Supporting the JCP Reforms by Martijn VerburgBeware Object Varargs in Java by David O'MearaHow Toastmasters Can Make A Java Pro a Better Presenter by Jeanne Boyarsky
Interesting CodeRanch forum posts
IBM WebSphere: Does Anyone Actually Use It? A few chivalrous ranchers defend the honor of a blue damsel in distress. Is WSDL Really Necessary? Bill Brodgden helps a Greenhorn Organic Lawn Care For the Cheap and Lazy Sure, this has more to do with the Ranch part than the Code part, but it's still darn good advice seeing that it's April and all.
News from the Ranch
Three Million Visitors? More than that moseyed on into these parts last month. Or should we say, Marched in here last month...Bear Bibeault is a CodeRanch Marshal. It's recognition for his incredible contribution.Campbell Ritchie's 20K milestone is worth mentioning. Around here we don't judge people by the size of their post count, but 20,000?
Book Promotions
There's a book promotion just about every week at the CodeRanch. Just ask a question about the book in the appropriate forum and you're eligible to win. Right now,
Agile Hiring by Sean Landis is up for grabs. Maybe you'll win a copy?
Android User Interface Development by Jason Morris. A grep of greenhorns won copies.Josh Long and his gang were here to promote Pro Spring Integration by Dr. Mark Lui, Mario Gray, Andy Chan & Josh Long. The Winners R in Action by Robert I. Kabacoff caused all sorts or problems for the forum's spellcheck algorithms in the Other Languages forum. The Winners Copies are still up for grabs! Agile Hiring by Sean Landis.
Book Reviews
Ubuntu Unleashed 2011 EditionExt JS in ActionRuby on Rails 3 Tutorial: Learn Rails by ExampleThe Official Joomla! Book
If you have any feedback on this month's Journal then discuss it in the
thread here.
Or if you have any general suggestions about the
CodeRanch journal, then feel free to open a new thread in our
Ranch Office forum.
Your editor this month
Cameron McKenzie (@potemcam) is the author of
Hibernate Made Easy, JSF Made Easy, and
What is Web Sphere? And if you like
The Simpsons, you'll love his
Pickering is Springfield book. Cameron is also the Editor-in-Chief of, and volunteering to write up this edition of the CodeRanch journal probably violates about a dozen different clauses in his employment contract. But what the heck, who wouldn't risk losing gainful employment for the betterment of the CodeRanch?
Journal Archive
Our previously published journals are available